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【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2024-5-13)
发布日期:2025-01-04 10:28    点击次数:99
转自:外交部发言人办公室2024年5月13日外交部发言人汪文斌主持例行记者会Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin’sRegular Press Conference on May 13, 2024应中共中央政治局委员、外交部长王毅邀请,文莱外交主管部长艾瑞万于5月13日至15日对中国进行正式访问。  At the invitation of Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi, Foreign Minister II Dato’ Erywan Pehin Yusof of Brunei will pay an official visit to China from May 13 to 15.总台华语环球节目中心记者:5月10日,联大第十届紧急特别会议以143票赞成、9票反对、25票弃权通过决议,认定巴勒斯坦符合《联合国宪章》规定的联合国正式会员国资格,要求安理会重新审议巴勒斯坦“入联”申请。中国在表决中投赞成票并参与共提。发言人能否进一步介绍中方立场?  CCTV: On May 10, the Tenth Emergency Special Session of the UN General Assembly passed a resolution with 143 countries in favor, nine against and 25 abstaining. The resolution determines that the State of Palestine is qualified for full UN membership in line with the UN Charter, and recommends that the Security Council reconsider its application to join the UN. China voted in favor and joined the co-sponsorship of this resolution. Could you further share with us China’s position?汪文斌:中方代表已经在表决后的解释性发言当中全面阐述了中方立场。我们要强调的是,独立建国是巴勒斯坦人民的长期夙愿,正式加入联合国是这一历史进程中的关键一步。支持和推进巴勒斯坦独立建国进程,为落实“两国方案”、实现中东持久和平提供有力保障,是国际社会的强烈呼声,也是各方的共同责任。紧急特别联大以压倒性多数通过决议,重申巴勒斯坦人民拥有包括独立建国在内的自决权,确认巴勒斯坦符合成为联合国正式会员国的资格,建议安理会重新积极审议巴勒斯坦加入联合国的申请,这反映了国际社会的人心所向。中方支持安理会根据联大决议的要求,尽快重新审议巴勒斯坦加入联合国的申请,敦促有关国家不要继续站在国际社会、国际道义和人类良知的对立面,不要再为巴勒斯坦加入联合国设置障碍。  Wang Wenbin: Our UN representative has fully stated our position in the explanation of vote. Let me stress that independent statehood has been a long-cherished aspiration of the Palestinian people and full membership in the UN is a crucial step in this historic process. It is the strong call of the international community and the common responsibility of all parties to support and advance the process of Palestine’s independent statehood and provide strong support for the implementation of the two-State solution and lasting peace in the Middle East. The GA Emergency Special Session adopted by an overwhelming majority a resolution to reaffirm the right of Palestinian people to self-determination, including the right to the Independent State of Palestine, determine that the State of Palestine is qualified for full membership in the UN, and recommend that the Security Council reconsider favorably its application to join the UN. This reflects the will of the international community. China supports the Security Council’s early reconsideration of the application of the State of Palestine as recommended by the GA resolution. We urge relevant countries to stop standing on the opposite side of the international community, international justice, and conscience of humanity, and stop creating hurdles for Palestine to join the UN.决议对巴勒斯坦参与联合国活动和有关会议作出进一步安排,赋予巴勒斯坦新的权利和特权。这些特殊安排是对巴勒斯坦长期遭受历史不公的补救,是对美国滥用否决权的纠偏。决议明确,有关安排属于例外,不构成先例。我们期待巴勒斯坦早日成为联合国正式会员国,同其他会员国一样享有充分、平等的权利。  The resolution includes modalities for Palestine’s participation in UN activities and relevant meetings, granting it additional rights and privileges. These special modalities are a remedy for the historical injustice long endured by Palestine and a rectification of the US abusive use of veto. The resolution makes it clear that these modalities are adopted on an exceptional basis without setting a precedent. We hope Palestine will become a full UN Member State soon and will enjoy full and equal rights in the UN like other Member States.法新社记者:外交部能否确认俄罗斯总统普京即将访华?  AFP: I’m wondering if the Foreign Ministry is able to confirm that President Putin is going to visit China in the coming days?汪文斌:今年是中俄建交75周年,中方高度重视中俄两国元首外交对于双边关系的战略引领作用。两国元首一致同意继续保持密切交往,确保中俄关系始终顺利稳定向前发展。关于你提到的具体问题,目前我没有可以发布的消息。  Wang Wenbin: This year marks the 75th anniversary of China-Russia diplomatic relations. China greatly values the strategic guidance of head-of-state diplomacy for our bilateral relations with Russia. The two presidents agreed to maintain close interactions to ensure the smooth and steady growth of bilateral ties. As for your specific question, I have nothing to share at the moment.中阿卫视记者:据说月底在北京将要举行中阿合作论坛部长级会议,请问目前有具体消息吗?  China-Arab TV: The Ministerial Meeting of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum is said to be held in late May in Beijing. Can you share more details?汪文斌:今年是中国—阿拉伯国家合作论坛成立二十周年。20年来,在元首外交引领下,论坛始终秉持“加强对话与合作、促进和平与发展”宗旨,已成为促进中阿双方开展集体对话与务实合作的“金字品牌”,为推动中阿关系作出重要贡献,树立了南南合作的成功典范。  Wang Wenbin: This year marks the 20th anniversary of the inception of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum. Over the past two decades, under the guidance of head-of-state diplomacy, the Forum has always served its purpose of enhancing dialogue and cooperation and promoting peace and development, and has become a golden brand in promoting  collective dialogue and practical cooperation between China and Arab states. The Forum has made important contribution in advancing relations between China and Arab states and set up a fine example of South-South cooperation.中阿合作论坛第十届部长级会议将在中国举办。此次会议是首届中国—阿拉伯国家峰会后论坛举办的首次部长会,具有承前启后的重要意义,目前中阿双方正在积极推进筹备工作。关于会议的具体情况,我们会及时发布消息,请大家保持关注。  The 10th Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum will be held in China and will be the first ministerial conference held since the inaugural China-Arab states summit. The meeting is highly important in building on past achievements and charting the future. The two sides are making intensive preparations for the meeting. We will release timely information about the meeting. Please stay tuned.深圳卫视记者:据美国国务院消息,中美“21世纪20年代强化气候行动工作组”会议日前在华盛顿举行。中方能否进一步介绍有关情况?对中美应对气候变化合作有何评论?  Shenzhen TV: According to the US Department of State, the meeting of the China-US Working Group on Enhancing Climate Action in the 2020s was held days ago in Washington. Could you share more details with us? What’s your comment on China-US cooperation on climate change?汪文斌:5月8日至9日,中美“21世纪20年代强化气候行动工作组”会议在美国华盛顿特区召开。会议由中国气候变化事务特使刘振民和美国总统国际气候政策高级顾问约翰·波德斯塔共同主持。中方已经发布了相关消息稿,大家可以查阅。我也愿借此机会给大家简要介绍一些会议情况。  Wang Wenbin: On May 8 and 9, the meeting of the China-US Working Group on Enhancing Climate Action in the 2020s was held in Washington, DC. It was co-chaired by China’s Special Envoy for Climate Change Liu Zhenmin and Senior Advisor to the US President for International Climate Policy John Podesta. China released a readout which you may refer to. I can quickly go over some of the details for you.此次会议回顾了中美元首旧金山会晤,围绕《关于加强合作应对气候危机的阳光之乡声明》确定的能源转型、甲烷和其他非二氧化碳温室气体、循环经济和资源效率等领域开展了深入讨论,并就推动《联合国气候变化框架公约》第二十九次缔约方大会(COP29)成功举办相关多边议题展开合作。双方分享了各自气候政策和行动的经验与挑战,表示愿意开展相关技术和政策交流。双方计划在COP29期间举办第二届“甲烷和非二氧化碳温室气体峰会”,并期待中美地方气候行动高级别活动于5月29日至30日在加州伯克利举办。  The meeting recalled the discussion between the two Presidents in San Francisco and focused on areas identified in the Sunnylands Statement on Enhancing Cooperation to Address the Climate Crisis, including energy transition, methane and other non-CO2 greenhouse gases, circular economy and resource efficiency, as well as cooperation on multilateral issues related to promoting a successful UNFCCC COP 29. The two sides shared the experiences and challenges regarding their respective climate policies and actions, and further expressed their intention to engage in related technical and policy exchange. The two sides intend to host a second “Methane and Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases Summit” at COP 29 and look forward to the China-US High-Level Event on Subnational Climate Action, to be held May 29 to 30, in Berkeley, California.应当指出的是,美方一边表示愿与中方加强应对气候变化合作,一边大肆炒作所谓中国新能源“产能过剩”,扬言将对中国电动汽车、太阳能产品等加征高额关税。这种自相矛盾的做法,不仅同中美元首旧金山会晤达成的合作应对气候危机的共识背道而驰,也将损害世界经济绿色转型,破坏全球应对气候变化的努力。我们敦促美方不要一边修路、一边挖坑,切实为中美气变合作和全球绿色转型创造有利条件。  In that context, I need to point out that despite its professed willingness to strengthen cooperation with China on climate change, the US has been hyping up the so-called “overcapacity” in China’s new energy sector and vowing to impose additional tariff hikes on Chinese electrical vehicles and solar products. This is self-defeating. It goes against the consensus reached in San Francisco on joint climate response, and more importantly, it will harm the world’s green economic transition and climate action. We urge the US to stop repairing and digging up the road at the same time, so to speak, and create enabling conditions for China-US climate cooperation and global green transition.彭博社记者:韩国外长今晚起访华,中方认为双方讨论的优先议题是什么?会否讨论双方共同关心的问题,如即将召开的中日韩领导人会议、朝鲜的核武器项目及美国即将就半导体出口施加更多限制?  Bloomberg: The South Korean Foreign Minister will be visiting Beijing, I think later tonight. Can you tell me what does China see as the main priority of the discussions? Will you be addressing issues of mutual concern, such as the upcoming trilateral summit with Japan, maybe North Korea’s pursuit of nuclear weapons, and also whether the US is moving to place more restrictions on the export of semiconductors?汪文斌:关于韩国外长访华,我们上周已经发布了相关消息。关于两国外长会谈情况,我们也会及时发布消息,请大家保持关注。  Wang Wenbin: We announced ROK Foreign Minister’s visit to China last week. We will release timely information on the talks between the two foreign ministers. Please check back for updates.法新社记者:“大赦国际”今天发布报告称,中方正对参加其他国家政治活动的中国海外留学生施加压力。中方对该报告有何评论?  AFP: There’s a report out today by Amnesty International that concludes that China is putting pressure on overseas Chinese students who engage in political activism in other countries. Does China have any comment on this report by Amnesty?汪文斌:你提到的相关言论纯属恶意抹黑之辞。如果是一家客观的媒体,你会发现,生活在海外的中国公民,绝大多数都对祖国的发展壮大感到骄傲和自豪。  Wang Wenbin: What you mentioned is sheer smear and vilification. Any objective media outlet will find that the vast majority of Chinese nationals overseas are proud of the development achievements of their home country.路透社记者:菲律宾海岸警卫队称,他们致力于在南海仙宾礁的存在。菲海岸警卫队还称,中国试图在那里建造一个“人工岛屿”,他们发现成堆的死珊瑚和碎珊瑚,他们能够阻止中国在那里进行填海造地活动。发言人能否介绍在仙宾礁发生了什么?中方是否开始在仙宾礁填海造地?菲方是否与中方船只或人员接触,要求停止填海造地活动?  Reuters: Regarding the Philippines coast guard on what they said today, the coast guards in the Philippines said that they are committed to a presence at Sabina Shoal in the South China Sea where it also said China attempted to build an “artificial island.” The coast guard there said it discovered piles of dead and crushed corals dumped along the sand bars around the shoal and that it has been able to prevent China from carrying out reclamation activities there. Could we understand what happened at the shoal? Did China begin to reclaim land at the shoal? And also did the Philippines approach Chinese vessels or personnel to stop reclamation activities there?汪文斌:菲方多次散布谣言,蓄意抹黑中方,试图误导国际社会,这种行径是徒劳的。我们敦促菲方停止发表不负责任的言论,直面事实,尽快回到通过谈判协商妥处涉海分歧的正轨。  Wang Wenbin: The Philippines has repeatedly spread rumors, deliberately vilified China and tried to mislead the international community. None of those attempts will succeed. China urges the Philippines to stop making irresponsible remarks, face up to the facts and return to the right track of properly handling maritime disputes through negotiation and consultation.乌克兰国家通讯社记者:根据中国外交部消息,中国政府欧亚事务特别代表李辉就俄罗斯对乌克兰的战争开展了第三轮穿梭外交。发言人能否介绍本轮访问成果?  Ukrinform News Agency: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the Special Representative of the Chinese government Li Hui carried out the third round of shuttle diplomacy on the issue of Russian war against Ukraine. Could you share more details about the results of this round?汪文斌:5月3日至9日,中国政府欧亚事务特别代表李辉就政治解决乌克兰危机开展了第三轮穿梭外交,先后访问了土耳其、埃及、沙特和阿联酋。访问前后,李辉特代还同巴西、印度尼西亚、南非、哈萨克斯坦等国官员进行沟通。中方劝和促谈的不懈努力得到各方积极评价。  Wang Wenbin: From May 3 to 9, Special Representative of the Chinese Government on Eurasian Affairs Li Hui carried out the third round of shuttle diplomacy on the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis. He visited Türkiye, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Before and after the visit, Special Representative Li Hui had discussions with officials from countries such as Brazil, Indonesia, South Africa and Kazakhstan. China’s relentless effort of promoting talks for peace has been commended by various parties.本轮穿梭外交期间,各方都对当前冲突局势可能进一步升级表示担忧,都认为当务之急是推动局势降温,各方普遍赞同中方就呼吁局势降温提出的以下主张:  During this round of shuttle diplomacy, parties expressed concerns over the potential escalation of the ongoing conflict and they shared the view that the pressing need is to push for deescalation. They applauded China’s proposal to call for deescalation, which is as follows:一、呼吁遵守为局势降温“三原则”。一是“战场不外溢”,防止战火烧到第三国,防止第三方卷入战事。二是“战事不升级”,不得使用大规模杀伤性武器特别是核武器与生化武器,反对攻击核设施,防止核灾难,不攻击平民。三是“各方不拱火”,避免采取任何不利于停火止战的言论和行动。  First, China calls on all parties to observe three principles for deescalating the situation. Number one, no expansion of the battlefield. Fighting should not spread to a third country and no third party should be dragged into the fighting. Number two, no escalation of fighting. Weapon of mass destruction, especially nuclear weapons and biochemical weapons should not be used. Attacks on nuclear facilities should be opposed. Nuclear disaster should be prevented. Civilians should not be attacked. Number three, no fanning by any party of the flames. Any word or deed that is not conducive to ceasefire should be avoided.二、对话谈判是解决乌克兰危机唯一可行出路。冲突当事方应为恢复直接对话创造条件,推动局势降温缓和,直至达成全面停火。  Second, dialogue and negotiation are the only viable solution to the Ukraine crisis. The parties to the conflict should create conditions for the resumption of direct dialogue and deescalate the situation until the realization of a comprehensive ceasefire.三、加大对相关地区人道主义援助,改善人道主义状况,防止出现更大规模的人道主义危机。冲突当事方应避免袭击平民和民用设施,保护妇女、儿童等冲突受害者,尊重战俘基本权利。支持冲突当事方交换战俘。  Third, efforts are needed to increase humanitarian assistance to relevant areas, improve humanitarian conditions and prevent a humanitarian crisis on a larger scale. Parties to the conflict should avoid attacking civilians or civilian facilities, protect women, children and other victims of the conflict, and respect the basic rights of prisoners of war (POW). China supports the exchange of POWs between the parties to the conflict.四、反对使用核武器和生化武器,防止核扩散,避免出现核危机。  Fourth, the use of nuclear weapons and chemical and biological weapons should be opposed. Nuclear proliferation must be prevented and nuclear crisis avoided.五、反对武装攻击核电站等和平核设施,各方均应遵守核安全公约等国际法,坚决避免出现人为核事故。  Fifth, armed attacks against nuclear power plants or other peaceful nuclear facilities must be opposed. All parties should comply with international law including the Convention on Nuclear Safety and resolutely avoid man-made nuclear accidents.六、共同支持国际能源、金融、粮贸、运输等合作,共同维护油气管道、电力能源设施、海底光缆等关键基础设施安全,确保全球产业链供应链稳定。  Sixth, China calls for joint support for international cooperation on energy, finance, food trade, transportation, etc. and joint efforts to uphold the security of critical infrastructure, including oil and gas pipelines, electricity and energy facilities and undersea optical cables, so as to protect the stability of global industrial and supply chains.各方同意继续保持沟通协调,同时欢迎国际社会支持推动局势降温的努力,共同为停火止战、劝和促谈发挥建设性作用。  All parties agreed to maintain communication and coordination. They welcome efforts by the international community to support and promote deescalation, and jointly play a constructive role for ceasefire and promoting talks for peace.总台央视记者:第77届世界卫生大会注册将于今日截止,台湾方面仍没有收到与会邀请。与此同时,民进党当局称,不让台湾参加世卫大会将导致“国际防疫体系出现缺口”。请问中国政府对此有何评论?  CCTV: Registration for the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) will close today. Taiwan has not received an invitation. The DPP authorities claim that its absence from the WHA will cause a “gap” in global anti-epidemic efforts. What’s the Chinese government’s comment?汪文斌:世界上只有一个中国,中华人民共和国政府是代表全中国的唯一合法政府,台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。在中国台湾地区参与国际组织,包括世界卫生组织活动问题上,中方的立场是一贯、明确的,即必须按照一个中国原则来处理,这也是联合国大会第2758号决议和世界卫生大会25.1号决议确认的根本原则。  Wang Wenbin: There is but one China in the world. The government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China. Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory. China’s position on the Taiwan region’s participation in the activities of international organizations, including the WHO, is consistent and clear, that is, this must be handled under the one-China principle, which is also a fundamental principle demonstrated by the UNGA Resolution 2758 and WHA Resolution 25.1.中国台湾地区在未经中央政府同意的前提下,没有任何根据、理由或权利参加世卫大会。民进党自2016年上台以来,拒不承认“九二共识”,顽固坚持“台独”分裂立场,导致台湾地区参加世卫大会的政治基础不复存在。鉴此,中方决定不同意台湾地区参加今年世卫大会。这一决定有充分理由和坚实法理依据,既是为了维护一个中国原则,也是为了捍卫联合国大会及世卫大会相关决议的严肃性和权威性。  China’s Taiwan region, unless given approval by the Central Government, has no basis, reason or right to participate in the WHA. After coming into power in 2016, the DPP has refused to recognize the 1992 consensus and been hellbent on the separatist stance of “Taiwan independence.” As a result, the political foundation for the Taiwan region to participate in the WHA no longer exists. Hence, China has decided not to approve the Taiwan region’s participation in this year’s WHA. This decision has sufficient reason and a solid legal basis. It’s not just about upholding the one-China principle but also about the sanctity and authority of relevant UNGA and WHA resolutions.一段时间以来,民进党当局和个别国家蓄意歪曲挑战联大第2758号决议,炒作所谓“台湾地位未定论”,鼓吹支持台湾参加包括世卫大会在内的联合国系统多边论坛,误导国际舆论,挑战国际社会一个中国的共识。这种践踏国际法和国际关系基本准则、开历史“倒车”的行径绝不会得逞。  For quite some time, the DPP authorities and certain country have been deliberately distorting and challenging UNGA Resolution 2758, trumpeting the notion that Taiwan’s status is undetermined, and advocating support for Taiwan’s participation in the United Nations multilateral forums, including the WHA. These moves mislead international public opinion and challenge the one-China consensus among the international community. They trample on the international law and basic norms governing international relations, and seek to turn back the wheel of history. Such attempts will not succeed.民进党当局和部分国家声称,不让台参加世卫大会将导致“国际防疫体系出现缺口”,并以此为借口鼓噪支持台“有意义地”参与世卫组织,这完全是政治谎言。在一个中国原则前提下,中国中央政府对台湾地区参与全球卫生事务作出了妥善安排。过去一年,中国台湾地区共有21批24人次提出参加世卫组织技术活动的申请,中国中央政府均予以批准。台湾地区设有《国际卫生条例》联络点,能够及时获取世卫组织发布的突发公共卫生事件信息,也能够及时向世卫组织通报。事实充分说明,中国中央政府在解决台湾同胞关心的卫生健康问题上是诚心诚意的,采取的积极措施也是切实可行的,台湾同胞的健康权利有着充分保障。  The DPP authorities and some countries claim that Taiwan’s absence from the WHA will cause a “gap” in global anti-epidemic efforts and use it as an excuse to demand “Taiwan’s meaningful participation” in the WHO. That’s a politically-driven and completely false claim. The Chinese Central Government has made proper arrangement for the Taiwan region’s participation in global health affairs on the condition that the one-China principle is upheld. Over the past year alone, medical and technical experts from China’s Taiwan region applied for participation in WHO technical activities 21 times, which involved 24 participants, and all the applications were approved by the Chinese Central Government. There is an International Health Regulations Contact Point in the Taiwan region for it to promptly access and report to the WHO concerning information related to health emergencies. Facts fully reflect that the Chinese Central Government has every sincerity and has taken credible and active measures to address the health issues that our compatriots in Taiwan care about, and that their rights to health are duly protected.一个中国原则是国际社会人心所向,也是大势所趋。中方作出不同意台湾地区参加今年世卫大会的决定,得到国际社会的广泛理解和支持。挑战一个中国原则,没有前途。开历史“倒车”,绝无出路。任何打“台湾牌”、搞“以台制华”的图谋都只会遭到国际社会的坚决反对,注定以失败告终。  The one-China principle is where global opinion trends and the arc of history bends. China’s decision of not letting the Taiwan region participate in this year’s WHA has received wide support and understanding from the international community. Challenging the one-China principle will end up nowhere and turning back the wheel of history will not succeed. Any attempt to play the “Taiwan card” and use Taiwan to contain China will only be met with firm opposition from the international community and is doomed to failure.彭博社记者:追问填海造地的问题。中方是否向仙宾礁派遣了船只?  Bloomberg: I just want to clarify the question about the reclamation. Has China sent ships or vessels to the Escoda Shoal? Can you confirm that?汪文斌:我刚才已经讲了,所谓“中国在仙宾礁填海造陆”完全是菲方散布的谣言,是蓄意抹黑中方、误导国际社会的不负责任的言论。  Wang Wenbin: As I just said, the accusation of “China’s reclamation” at Xianbin Jiao is sheer rumor spread by the Philippines, which is an irresponsible claim designed to vilify China and mislead the international community.

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